
The Unimog is Off-Roader of the Year

Words Chris Danielson
The Unimog is at home where other vehicles have to admit defeat
Words Chris Danielson July 08, 2019

The Unimog is at home where other vehicles have to admit defeat. This was also the view of the readers of “Off Road” magazine who voted it off-roader of the year in the “Special Vehicles” category for the fifteenth time in a row. The Unimog U 4023 shown in the photo was upgraded by Hellgeth Engineering Spezialfahrzeugbau and has a special expedition body with a permissible gross vehicle weight (GVW) of just 7.49 tonnes. It is the answer to many globetrotters’ dreams: to be able to drive a modern, extreme off-road Unimog equipped with a box body living area on an old “Class 3” driver’s licence.

Mercedes-Benz Unimog U 4023

Mercedes-Benz Unimog U 4023