Corporate News

Mercedes-Benz Museum at Easter

Words Paul Davidson
The museum is open every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. during the Easter holidays
Words Paul Davidson March 29, 2023

Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart is offering an exciting family outing during the upcoming Easter holidays from 7 April 2023 to 10 April 2023. The museum will be open daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. with 160 vehicles and 1,500 exhibits on display, tracing the history of automobiles from their invention by Carl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler in 1886 to the future. Additionally, the museum is hosting a large special exhibition, “Moving in Stereo,” featuring over 150 works of art from the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection.

Easter craft activities for children on the CAMPUS of the Mercedes-Benz Museum. During the Baden-Württemberg Easter holidays from 6 to 15 April 2023, the offer is available daily.

Easter craft activities for children on the CAMPUS of the Mercedes-Benz Museum. During the Baden-Württemberg Easter holidays from 6 to 15 April 2023, the offer is available daily.

The Legend Room 7: Silver Arrows – Racing and Records at the museum has two new additions on display for the first time: the Benz “Prinz Heinrich” special touring car, one of only two remaining original Benz & Cie. vehicles, and the Mercedes-Benz SSKL Avus racing car, which was reconstructed by Mercedes-Benz in 2019 from archival documents.

During the Baden-Württemberg Easter holidays from 6 April to 15 April, the CAMPUS children’s area will be open on weekdays in addition to weekends. The area offers Easter craft activities for children accompanied by adults, and no prior registration is required. Overall, the Mercedes-Benz Museum at Easter promises to be an enjoyable and educational experience for people of all ages.

Press Release
March 27, 2023
Stuttgart, Germany

A visit to the Mercedes-Benz Museum at Easter is an experience for all generations. There is an opportunity for a family outing, for example, on all public holidays: the Museum will be open daily from Good Friday (7 April 2023) to Easter Monday (10 April 2023) from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The permanent exhibition with 160 vehicles and a total of 1,500 exhibits tells the story of the automobile from its invention by Carl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler in 1886 to the future.

The tour of the Museum is currently complemented by the large special exhibition “Moving in Stereo”. On display are more than 150 works of art from 1910 to the present day from the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection. From Southwest German classics such as Willi Baumeister, Adolf Hölzel and Oskar Schlemmer to young international artists such as Clément Cogitore, Alia Farid, Cao Fei and Haris Epaminonda, works from a broad spectrum of media are presented: from painting, drawing, sculpture and light objects to photography, installations and video. The exhibition “Moving in Stereo” has been extended and will run until 17 September 2023.

New additions to Legend Room 7: Silver Arrows – Racing and Records include two special streamlined racing cars on display at the Museum for the first time.

  • Benz “Prinz Heinrich” special touring car, 1910: One of only two remaining original Benz & Cie. vehicles in the world for the Prinz-Heinrich-Fahrt contest of 1910. The high-tech of the time featured dual ignition and four-valve technology.
  • Mercedes-Benz SSKL Avus racing car, 1932: The aerodynamically optimised bodywork gave this car the edge in the International Avus Race in Berlin, which was won by Manfred von Brauchitsch. Since then, racing cars have been consistently built this way. Because the original no longer exists, Mercedes-Benz reconstructed the vehicle true to the original in 2019 using archival documents.

During the Baden-Württemberg Easter holidays from 6 to 15 April, the CAMPUS children’s area will be open on weekdays in addition to weekends. From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., interested children accompanied by adults can take part in Easter craft activities. Prior registration is not required.