A photographer in Cuba has found an abandoned, partially destroyed and wrecked Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing. If this news doesn’t bring you to tears, you’re dead to us.

Mercedes 300SL
Snapper Piotr Degler was entranced by the Caribbean republic’s automotive landscape – frozen, at least in part, since the 1950s – and soon got wind of a ‘legendary’ 300SL rumoured by locals to lay somewhere on the island.
So with his Inspector Gadget hat firmly on, Degler went hunting high and low for a month, travelling two thousand miles in the process. He asked everyone. He looked everywhere. And, only a few days before he was due to depart, he spotted the 300SL’s still-priceless silver remains hiding under a banana tree.
Piotr told Classic Driver: “When I found it, I spent the whole day taking pictures. Finding the car was an indescribable experience.” Also, we suspect, a heartbreaking one: the 300SL surely ranks as the prettiest Mercedes-Benz in history.
So, with the US and Cuba now on friendlier relations, we’d suggest taking a trip down Havana way to take in the motoring landscape in all its Fifties charm. Who knows what you might find?
Via: TopGear