Mercedes-Benz Research and Development India Center officially opened its new site in Bangalore today. Outside of German, MBRDI is the largest Daimler research and development with 1,200 employees. It is also is the largest and most modern center run by any German car manufacturer in India.
The company’s Group Research and Mercedes-Benz Cars Development unit is strengthening its international knowledge network as part of the Mercedes-Benz 2020 growth strategy. Already today, research and development staff is working at 22 sites in eight countries in order to meet the challenges of the future. Around 21,000 people work in research and development within the Daimler AG, including 4,300 outside Germany, creating a vast pool of knowledge covering a wide range of disciplines.
Mercedes-Benz Research and Development Center India
“Our new centre of competence in Bangalore gives us direct access to a highly qualified workforce and excellent networking with the locally based international and national supply industry,” states Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber, member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG, responsible for Group Research and Mercedes-Benz Cars Development. “With enormous growth potential, India is one of the core markets within our global strategy Mercedes-Benz 2020. With our new research site MBRDI we are further expanding our presence on the market, in order to be closer to the customer also in terms of research and development.”
MBRDI started off with just ten employees in 1996 and has since transformed itself from a purely research-based site for IT and vehicle electrics/electronics into a centre of competence with know-how in the fields of design (Computer Aided Design), simulation (Computer Aided Engineering), electrics/electronics (EE) and information technology (IT) for all divisions across the Daimler AG. The Indian site MBRDI filed 50 patent applications in 2012 alone.
“Our international research and development sites are the perfect complement to the R&D activities in Germany, helping to ensure the long-term success and the competitiveness of our traditional research and development sites,” adds Professor Weber.
Mercedes-Benz Research and Development Center India
One project that exemplifies the cooperation between the world-wide sites is the “Human Body Modelling” (HBM) simulation tool, which was developed in close collaboration with the German research and development sites. In accident simulations, HBM enables a wide range of parameters to be taken into account, such as biomechanics, physical properties of the human body and many different crash situations. This globally unique system therefore allows evaluation of very complex accident situations and thus helps to make vehicle designs even safer by considering numerous different factors.
Wilfried Porth, Management BoardMember for Human Resources, Labor Relations Director and responsible for IT at Daimler AG:”The close cooperation between our global R&D sites is of major strategic importance. It is only possible with a strong and integrated IT structure. Bangalore is a crucial part of our global IT landscape, both in engineering and non-engineering. We will use this IT know-how of the Indian “Silicon Valley” for the whole Daimler Group in order to support our profitability and growth.”
Mercedes-Benz Research and Development Center India
Global knowledge network
The company has representation wherever the centres of competence for relevant fields of knowledge are based – with highly qualified researchers and the appropriate “scientific community”. Other local focal points of development are situated near the key production plants. These international activities focus on creating direct benefit for the customer through greater innovative pace and strength as well as shorter development times. This enables tailored solutions for particular growth markets.
The global knowledge network and the high level of investment in research and technology are essential investments in the future of the automobile and, therefore, in the competitiveness of the entire Daimler AG. In 2012, as in the prior year, Daimler invested €5.6 billion in research and development, with further investment totalling €10.8 billion planned for the period 2013 to 2014.
In a unanimous decision, Daimler’s Supervisory Board extended Dieter Zetsche contract for three years through 2016. As if there was any question that Mercedes’ fearless leader would remain. In addition to Dr. Zetsche, Prof. Weber also received a three year extension on his contract as Mercedes’ Head of Development. Weber’s contract also goes through December 2016, maintaining the top-level executive team that is turning the Mercedes-Benz brand around.
Mercedes-Benz Head of Developemnt, Thomas Weber
Press Release:
In its meeting Thursday, the Supervisory Board of Daimler AG passed a unanimous resolution to extend the contract of service of Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Head of Mercedes-Benz Cars, until December 31, 2016. The contract of service of Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber, Board of Management Member for Group Research and Mercedes-Benz Cars Development, was also extended until December 31, 2016.
As of April 1, 2013, Andreas Renschler will assume Board of Management responsibility for production and purchasing of Mercedes-Benz Passenger Cars & Mercedes-Benz Vans. At the same time, Dr. Wolfgang Bernhard will assume Board of Management responsibility for Daimler Trucks.
Dr. Dieter Zetsche has been a member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG since December 16, 1998 and its Chairman since January 1, 2006. He is also Head of the Mercedes-Benz Cars division.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber has been a member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG since January 1, 2004 and is responsible for Group Research and Mercedes-Benz Cars Development.
Andreas Renschler has been a member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Head of Daimler Trucks since October 1, 2004. Dr. Wolfgang Bernhard has been a member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Head of Operations Mercedes-Benz Cars since February 18, 2010.
Dr. Manfred Bischoff: “The long-term orientation of the Group’s leadership is an essential factor for Daimler’s sustained success. With today’s extensions of the contracts of Dieter Zetsche and Thomas Weber, we are maintaining the important continuity at the top executive level.”
“Dieter Zetsche and the Board of Management have a clear plan how to further enhance Daimler’s overall performance together with their team. Dieter Zetsche is distinguished of course by his great experience, but also by his ability to combine a feeling for cars with sound engineering knowledge and an entrepreneurial approach,” continued Dr. Bischoff.
“Research and development are two key areas in the automobile industry. I am therefore delighted that we will continue the successful collaboration with Thomas Weber. He will steadily continue to maintain Daimler’s claim to technological leadership,” stated Dr. Bischoff.
“Wolfgang Bernhard and Andreas Renschler are two highly experienced members of Daimler’s Board of Management. With this change, they will both be able to utilize their management know-how from their previous responsibilities within in their new functions, thus expanding their own expertise in all automobile areas” explained Dr. Bischoff.
The contracts of service of Dr. Zetsche and Prof. Dr. Weber would otherwise have expired in December 2013. In accordance with Section 84 Subsection 1 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and with the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board of Daimler AG, the Supervisory Board passes a resolution on reappointments to the Board of Management at the beginning of the last year of a member’s current period of office.