
Super Mario Drives the GLA in Japan

Super Mario moonlights as Mercedes-Benz GLA Spokesperson in new Japanese Commercial

Words Jim Davis
Super Mario moonlights as Mercedes-Benz GLA Spokesperson in new Japanese Commercial
Words Jim Davis May 30, 2014

Forget Roger Federer, who needs George Clooney – For the new GLA Mercedes-Benz Japan has Super Mario.

I’m sure you’re thinking there must be a celebrity that was such a fan of the game that he renamed himself, after all celebrities do strange things.  But, think again, Mercedes-Benz though that it would be an effective marketing campaign to bring on the most famous plumber of all time, Mario.  But not just any Mario, a buffed up, slightly creepy Mario.

Watch the video below for yourself, once the shock has worn off, rewind and watch it again.