
Mercedes-Benz B-Class F-Cell Becomes Invisible

Words Jim Davis
The Mercedes-Benz new F-Cell B-Class is invisible to the environment with 0.0 emissions and is now Invisible to the eye
Words Jim Davis March 05, 2012

Mercedes-Benz claims that its new F-Cell B-Class is invisible to the environment with 0.0 emissions.  To drive this idea home, Mercedes fitted the Fuel Cell powered B-Class with a LED panel on one side and a Canon EOS 5D Mark II camera on the other, with the camera continuously shooting live video of its surroundings and projecting it instantly on the F-Cell’s screen.  The result:  a nearly invisible Mercedes F-Cell B-Class.

The technology isn’t perfect, but impressive none-the-less, especially at night.  Take the minute and a half and watch the video below.